Autumn Marathon Park

Best Implemented Landscape Architecture Project

About the project
The first ever public venue dedicated to the extremely popular Soviet movie – The Autumn Marathon by Georgy Danelia – was established in the Vasileostrovsky District of St. Petersburg. The hero of the movie lived here, and he used to jog around the wastelot, which today has become a comfortable and nice urban square garden.
80 new coniferous and foliage trees were planted here and about 1 thousand of bushes. The color palette of the plants and the finishing materials remind of the fall season – for example, consider the yellow tiling of the walkways and flower pots shaped as maple leaves.
The clock, the telephone booth, and the typing machine – all these garden elements refer to the movie.

St. Petersburg, Russia

Project implementation year

Applicant and author of the project
Administrative office of the Vasilievsky District, St. Petersburg

Authors of the project
Urban Landscape LLC