Beautiful Every Time

Best Project of Public Space by Student

About the project
An architect demands a space to be creative that broadens their horizons. The space designed is a remembrance of the author’s childhood after a long class, where the center court served as a turn off button to relax. Why doesn't a similar arrangement be adapted in our daily workplaces where studios are surrounded by serene places? The space could be for one to think, stroll, be inquisitive or whimsical, but most of all, be comfortable with themselves.
We are losing sight of the fact that our minds require peace and serenity in order to calm down from our hectic lives. The space is an escape in creating innovative ways to arouse the primary senses through irregularities in nature, which can fill the mind with a sense of awe and endless possibilities. The lush wild grass, varieties of plants, warped hammocks, and a big old maple tree reveal the space to know us and perceive our thoughts. We all deserve a space that accepts us for who we are and the moment we feel is beautiful every time.

Kathmandu, Nepal

Project design year

Applicant and author of the project
Ruchi Khakurel, fifth-year architecture student at IOE, Thapathali Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal 

Status of the project
Conceptual design