White Dacha

Best Implemented Façade or Interior Project Using Ceramics

About the project (provided by the applicant)
This proposal covers tiling of a wood stove and a backsplash in the White Dacha manor. Inspired with typical manor interior ceramics from the 18th through 19th century, the author referred to the Western European cobalt elements, first of all — to the Dutch ceramic art. Artist Margarita Podgornaya redesigned them in her characteristic style and added characters and objects from the manor’s everyday life to them. These handmade tiles are porcelain with cobalt underglaze painting.

Belaya Dacha District, Moscow, Russia

Project implementation year

Vasily Ryzhenok, ceramic artist, teacher

Authors of the project
Vasily Ryzhenok — author of the project, modeling, production

Margarita Podgornaya — authors of the project, painting

Elena Tsaregorodseva — author and supervisor of the project

Project status

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.