For the Sake of Life on Earth sculpture


Best Art in Outdoor Public Space

About the project (provided by the applicant)

The monument to fire fighter heroes emanates rough masculine power. This helps to demonstrate how challenging and hazardous a fire fighter’s profession is. Dark colored patina looks like soot and adds contrast to the figure. The hero represented has his arm up as if trying to protect himself from the raging fire, and the girl he has saved reacts to the conflagration in a similar way. 

The pedestal features the Constructivism style, all the austere geometry, no decorations, and shifted shapes.


Fire Fighter Heroes Park, St. Petersburg, Russia

Project implementation year



ArtKorpus LLC

Authors of the project

Project manager – G. Glotov-Davydov

Architect – E. Cherepakhin

Sculptor – M. Maimukhanov

Project status


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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.