Interior design for Krupskaya Culture Center


Best Project of Public Space by Student

About the project (provided by the applicant)

The proposal includes redesign of the main rooms in the bookstore of the Krupskaya Culture Center, the art space with an exhibition zone, an amphitheater, and an entertainment hall with a cafe.

 The fundamental concept of the project is based on the associations with the Neva, implemented by means of colors, materials, and shapes. The Culture Center has always been full of the intellectual freedom spirit, and the books were the key vehicle of this idea. The Neva causes similar associations because of its continuous free flow. The main rooms of the bookstore will be arc-shaped, as if repeating the natural bends of the river. The book racks and interior details will be smooth and dynamic at once.


St. Petersburg, Russia

Project design year


Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Applicant and author of the project

Nadezhda Kurashova, graduate of Stieglits State Academy of Art and Design

Project status

Design concept

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