Marine life research center

Best Project of Building or Facility by Student

About the project
Yemen is characterized by its beautiful geographical location on the coasts of the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. Therefore it has an excellent marine wealth of different types of fish, in addition to the availability of suitable geographical areas along the coastal strip in the main cities, but it lacks the marine biology and aquarium museums projects that can be an important tourist and economic destination. Through this project, the available spaces on the coastal strip will be used to provide and display marine life and provide an educational and research center that serves many residents in Yemen and the countries bordering the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. In addition to being a place of entertainment for all segments of society.

Aden, Yemen

Project design year

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Applicant and author of the project
Hamzah Anwar Abdo Ali Noman: «I am an architecture student at Queen Arwa University, Yemen, and before that, I love the architecture field without limits, and I have a great ambition to achieve an important achievement in my major».

Status of the project
Conceptual design