Memorial to peaceful citizens of the USSR who fell victims to Nazi genocide during the Great Patriotic War in 1941 through 1945


Best Art in Outdoor Public Space

About the project (provided by the applicant)

As the name implies, the memorial is dedicated to peaceful citizens of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics who were murdered by the German fascists. The authors wanted to eternize their memory.

The centerpiece of the memorial is a 44-meters high stela with a 24-meters tall figure of a mother with kids on top. Two 11-meters high concentric pylons represent whirlwinds of war. 150 bass-relieves along the perimeter depict people doomed to death. Eternal fire burns on the road that leads to the stela.


Doni Village, Verevskoye Settlement, Gatchina District, Leningrad Region, Russia

Project implementation year


Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)


Rosa architectural bureau

Authors of the project

Konstantin Fomin and Andrey Korobtsov

Project status


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