Mirage Wellness Center in an isle in Zhigulevsk


Best Project of Building or Facility by Student

About the project (provided by the applicant)

The floating building of the wellness center was inspired by a local myth. It says that many times people have seen a white castle over the Zhigulevsk Mountains which vanished in few seconds. The transparent frame is designed above the ground level as the isle is exposed to flooding. Structural glass blocks are used for more transparency. According to its fundamental philosophic concept, the floors of the wellness center are dedicated to healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy soul. Level 1 houses apartments, doctors’ offices, and gyms. Level 2 is used to locate a lecture room, a coworking space, a library, and creative studios. Level 3 is all about psychological counseling and meditation.


Zhigulevsk, Samara Region, Russia

Project design year


Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)


Applicant and author of the project

Lyubov Abzalilova, 1st year MBA student, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Engineering

Project status

Design concept

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