Oskar Klever. The Dream – the White Horse

Best Implemented Project of Temporary or Permanent Museum Exposition

About the project (provided by the applicant)
In the fall of 2023, the St. Petersburg Museum of Art held the exhibition that was the first large-scale event to introduce the audience to the works of Oskar Klever, an artist who worked in the 20th century (1887–1975). Inspired by the audacious trends at the turn of the century, Oskar Klever was a zealous follower of symbolism.

Thanks to the artistic design, the exhibition space became a theater-like place with three stages. The multimedia that accompanied water-color illustrations to the works by Andersen, Ibsen, and Tsvetaeva, papier-mache dolls illustrating Pushkin’s tales – all of these helped with representing the artist’s creative world. Unique archive records about Mr. Klever’s life were displayed at a stand-alone exhibition department.

St. Petersburg, Russia

Project implementation year

Project website

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)
Virtual tour of the exhibition

Video based on illustrations to Andresen’s tales in Odense  (Denmark)

Video based on illustrations to Tsvetayeva’s ‘Good boy’

Video based on illustrations to Ibsen’s Peer Gynt

Video composition on Letters to the Princess and water-color Ghosts

St. Petersburg Museum of Art in the 20-21st century, Manege Exhibition Hall

Authors of the project
Marina Jigarkhanyan, Museum Director – design concept

Vitruvi and Sons Studio, Sergey Padalko and Igor Musanov – artistic design

Project status

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