Ramsar Construction Engineering Organization Building

Best Project of Public Building or Facility

About the project (provided by the applicant)
The pyramid form of the office/service building of the Construction Engineering System is inspired by the local and traditional architecture of the region. Since the project site is located in the north of Iran and has a humid and rainy climate, the architects tried to organize spatial blocks in a wide and porous manner instead of a compact building in the center of the site. Therefore, there is a visual connection between the spaces due to the presence of the courtyard between the blocks and the transparency of the ground floor. The main challenge was the small width and long length of the site and the design of the side walls. A corridor hidden in the thickness of the long lateral wall and suspended glass bridges connect the two pyramids. The project has a pedestrian entrance on the south front and a vehicular entrance on the north front at a lower height code. The architects brought light to the spaces located in the basement by creating a patio without a roof on the south front.

Ramsar, Mazandaran, Iran

Project design year

AFSHAR ARCHITECTS (Soheil Afshar, Shohreh Houshmand) company is based in Iran, and with about a decade of continuous and coherent international activity, it has designed and implemented various projects in different countries and won prestigious awards at the global level.

Authors of the project
Soheil Afshar, Shohreh Houshmand

Other participants
CG Artist: Mohammad Jokar

Status of the project
Conceptual design

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