Sotavand Residential

Best Project of Residential or Mixed-Use Estate

About the project (provided by the applicant)
The initial idea was based on creating various spatial experiences in the open space of the balcony. To achieve this goal, the balcony was divided into three sections. The right side of the facade features an open balcony space with a glass railing. The central part, located behind a lattice brick screen, plays with light and shadow to create a more private space with a different atmosphere. The left side of the balcony includes an opening within the lattice wall to facilitate greater interaction with the outside space. The rooftop garden area extends the main facade's design by incorporating the same lattice pattern through cutouts in the roof.

Herat, Afghanistan

Project design year

Faezeh Alizadeh, Master of Architecture, member of the Engineering System Organization in Sabzevar (Iran), with 5 years of professional experience in architecture, specialist in design of plan, facade, diagram and motion diagram design.
Abolfazl Sultanbi, Bachelor of Architecture, with 8 years of professional experience in architecture, specialist in design of plan, facade, interior decoration, project implementation.

Authors of the project
Faeze Alizadeh, Abolfazl Soltanebi

Status of the project
Conceptual design