WWI Memorial

Best Project of Building or Facility by Student

About the project
This memorial stands at the shore of the Baltic Sea, to the west from Kaliningrad. This region lacks convenient transport routes, but this facility will make the shore more accessible.
War is a crime against humanity, and the exhibits at the memorial speak of the war and its horrors, reminding the visitors about the unmerciful price paid in the name of peace.
Some of the exposition is lit by the skylights, which makes the atmosphere intense and elicits emotional stress in the visitors. The tour over the exhibition ends in the recreation area with tables and a major panoramic window with the vista over the Baltic Sea. This is a place to comprehend what you’ve seen, but also a place to feel your connection with the nature.

Kaliningrad Region, Russia

Project design year

Project website

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Applicant and author of the project
Matvey Negoda, 2nd year student of the Master’s program, St. Petersburg Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering