2020 Golden Trezzini Awards results are to be announced on December 1.

On November 20, the Golden Trezzini Awards international panel of judges finished their online voting. The results are to be announced on December 1, 2020. The same day the list of winners will be available at https://goldtrezzini.ru/en/.

When voting for every nomination, our experts had to evaluate every project on a scale from 1 to 10, using as a guide their personal preferences and a combination of the following criteria:

  • Can the project be called a piece of art?
  • How professional is the nominee?
  • Is it expedient to include the project into the museum collection?

Evaluation was based on a scale where 1 stands for “This project definitely can’t be called a piece of art, demonstrates low professionalism, and doesn’t deserve to be included into the museum collection”, and where 10 stands for “This project definitely can be called a piece of art, demonstrates high professionalism, and deserves to be included into the museum collection”.

The Arrangements Committee thanks all the experts around the world for their tremendous work!

Before going public, the voting results will be checked and verified by our auditor, Borenius legal company. Borenius is one of the largest legal companies in the North-West Russia.

The International Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design are named after Domenico Trezzini (1670—1734), the first architect of St. Petersburg and the founder of Petrine Baroque. The Awards have been held since 2018. The motto of the Awards is “Architecture as Art.” The Awards are intended to acknowledge and promote architectural and designer projects that amount to works of art. The Honorary Chairman of the International Council of the Awards is Mikhail Piotrovsky, General Director of the State Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

Dates of 2021 Golden Trezzini competition are to be determined in Q1, 2021.

The General Partner of the Golden Trezzini Awards is the State Museum of St. Petersburg History. Global partner is LAUFEN. Strategic partner of the Awarding ceremony is Etalon Group. Official partners of the Awarding ceremony are Setl Group, LenRusStroy Building Corporation, Alfa Faberge, LIIS, Stroysintez, Slavdom, and DEREVO-park. System Partner is RBI Group. Partner of a Special nomination is YIT. Partner of a nomination is Lenstroytrest Group. Partner of the Awarding ceremony is re:dis studio. To see a full list of the Awards partners please check https://goldtrezzini.ru/en/partners-of-the-golden-trezzini-awards-2020/.

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