Relations with the landscape

Best Landscape Architecture Project

About the project
The project seeks to interact and integrate with the landscape all the time from the moment
of arrival to the main building of the set buildings, from the main road, accessing in a
pedestrian and vehicular way in the lowest part of the lot (level 1517 m). There, one meter
descends to reach the main access of the Clinic building, that stays on a terrace (level 1516 m).
From the same access to the complex, there are different horizontal and vertical spatial
relations within the architectural program. The visual relation from the main lobby with the
hotel yard, also with the clinic yard and with the first floor, where the restaurant, the terrace
and the chapel are located follows enjoy the view. This project get the maximum use of the
views of the place and the city.

Gasabo District, Kacyiru Sector, Kamutwa Cell, Umutekano Village, Kigali, Rwanda 

Project design year

Project website

More project images
instagram: @gonzalezamadoarquitectos

Applicant and authors of the project
Diego Gonzalez Rico.
PhD from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona-Spain in 2010; Specialist in Urban-Regional Planning from the National University of Colombia, Medellín Headquarters in 2001. Architect graduated from the Pilot University of Colombia in Bogotá in 1996. He is currently linked as an associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture at the National University in Medellín.
Project by Diego González Rico, Maria Alejandra Amado Avila.

Other participants
Paula Rojas, Jose Martinez, Luisa Jaimes, Danny Palacio