On November 15, the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club held a gala ceremony and congratulated the winners of the 6th International Golden Trezzini Awards at the Hermitage Theatre. The event included a gala concert to honour the champions.


Mikhail Piotrovsky, General Director of the State Hermitage and Honourary Chairman of the International Council of the Golden Trezzini Awards greeted the guests and explained that this architecture competition, where the participants contest for their projects to be added to the museum collection, is very popular with the seekers – and is also fun to take part in. 

‘Once again, the International Council of the Awards, which shortlists the Golden Trezzini winners, has appreciated creative enthusiasm of all the participants,’ Mr. Piotrovsky spotlighted. 

The Hermitage director announced the winner of the special nomination – Genius Petropolis, or the Spirit of St. Petersburg Medal. This prize was established by the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club to commemorate the first Chairwoman of the Board – Valentina Orlova. It is presented to the architectural or restoration project that complies best with the spirit and traditions of St. Petersburg. This year, the medal was awarded to the implemented reconstruction project of the Levashovsky Bread Factory. Natalia Sidorkevich, the Chairwoman of the Board of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club, handed in the medal to Eduard Tiktinsky, President of RBI Group. 

Vladimir Zapevalov – Ambassador-at-Large, Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg greeted the guest of the ceremony together with Stefan Kloetzli – Minister of the Swiss Embassy in the Russian Federation, and Nazih El Naggary – Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Russian Federation.

The event was attended by 200+ nominees and experts to say nothing of those who watched the online live stream, kept up in Russian and in English. The list of honourary guests invited to the awarding ceremony and the gala included members of diplomatic missions and consular offices of several foreign countries, including Spain, Switzerland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Syrian Arab Republic. 

In 2023, the Golden Trezzini Awards received a record-breaking amount of entries – 1,229 from 72 countries in the fields of architecture, interior, exhibition design, scenography, urban sculpture, as well as facade and interior ceramic art. Two nominations were offered to students from the relevant universities. 200+ experts from 32 countries were invited to choose the winners. 

Finally, 22 projects from 10 countries became the best – from Belgium, Braz, India, Italy, China, Russia, the USA, Taiwan, Tanzania, and Finland (but for the winners in special nominations). These include Tao Zhu Yin Yuan residential tower (Taipei City, Taiwan) by Vincent Callebaut Architectures, Tarang pavilion (Gujarat, India) by tHE gRID Architects, Chalet Selva private villa (Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy) by blueARCH architecture studio, project of BAOBAB Luxury Safari Resort (Tanzania) by MASK architects and others.

All the winners were awarded figurines of the first architect of St. Petersburg – Domenico Trezzini along with commemorative certificates. The overseas winners will be sent their prizes by post. 

The gala concert featured the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra managed by Sergey Stadler – its Art Director and Chief Conductor (this time, the performance was conducted by Pavel Petrenko).

The Golden Trezzini award is handed in for making an outstanding contribution to promotion of architecture as art. Today, the Golden Trezzini Awards is the world’s only contest for architects, designers, theatre and museum artists and sculptors, which results in the winning projects becoming parts of the architectural graphics museum collection. Before they stop accepting the entries, the Organizing Committee holds an annual exhibition ‘Architecture as Art’ in the St. Peter and Paul Fortress, where they showcase the winning projects from the previous year. As soon as the exhibition is over, the works are handed over to the State Museum of St. Petersburg History.

For a complete list of the winners please check https://www.goldtrezzini.ru/en/laureates2023/. Applications for the 7th International Golden Trezzini Awards will be accepted from February 2024. 

The Golden Trezzini Awards has been taking place since 2018. Participation is free of charge.

Photo by Mikhail Vilchuk.

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