1. Best Architectural Design for Museum

Last Genocide (Iran)

Museum of the Universe (India)

OBLYUM Museum (Colombia)

Vertical Botanical Ecology Museum (Yemen)

2. Best Implemented Project of Temporary or Permanent Museum Exposition

Exhibition in Arkhangelsk Youth Theater (Russia)

3. Best Implemented Theatre Set Design

Forest for Fools (Russia)

Kashtanka (Russia)

No Sails interactive performance (Russia)

4. Best Implemented Restoration Project

Annunciation Cathedral in Votkinsk (Russia)

Clubhouse (Iran)

Renovation and readjustment of the listed Grain Pavilion No. 59, VDNKh (Russia)

5. Best Implemented Reconstruction Project

Kakhovskaya Line Reconstruction, Moscow Metro (Russia)

6. Best Project of Residential or Mixed-Use Estate

Coral Towers (Qatar)

Cypress villa village (Iran)

LAYN (Colombia)


Noyar (Iran)

Quadria (Russia)

The Bleecker (United States)

West Point Torre 4000 (Mexico)

7. Best Implemented Project of Residential or Mixed-Use Estate

No. Zero Building (Iran)

8. Best Project of Public Building or Facility

Bohemian Hostel (Germany)

Cozumel Palace Hotel (Brazil)

Embrace nature (Iran)

EMERALD (Colombia)

Hotel The Boats (Cuba)

Japiim (Brazil)

JV Plaza (United States)

Malooran School (Iran)

Mazlomroshan Restaurant (Iran)

National cuisine restaurant for 200 visitors (Uzbekistan)

Nature’s Mirrors (United States)

Proposed African Re Head office (Nigeria)

Santa Fe dental school (Argentina)

Seize the day (Iran)

Şivan Gallery & Library (Iran)

The Galoya Tribe Vaddha (Sri Lanka)

Turtle Restaurant (Vietnam)

9. Best Implemented Project of Public Building or Facility

Aurora Extreme Hotel (Russia)

Lakhta Khutor medical centre (Russia)

Margaritaville Beach Resort Riviera Cancún (Mexico)

Moon 2 Hotel at Arkhyz ski resort (Russia)

Nokha Village Community Centre (India)

Qazvin Arch (Iran)

Takri Natives' Kitchen building (India)

10. Best Implemented Interior Design Project for Public Space

Dermagen Clinic (Iran)

J'PAN (Russia)

Javidi dental office (Iran)

Maryina Roscha Station, Moscow Metro (Russia)

Milas Ceramic Studio (Russia)

Renovation of Iran Kish Credit Card Company Central Building Lobby (Iran)

Takri Natives' Kitchen interior (India)

Villa Famma (Russia)

11. Best Project of Private Residence

Casa Mountain Park (Brazil)

Crete House (Greece)

Deauville (Russia)

Drops of Tranquility (United States)

Fazenda Lajinha (Brazil)


KAFFÉ (Colombia)

Lotus Pod Villa (Sri Lanka)

Residence Monte (Mexico)

Seh-Nobar Villa Garden (Iran)

Seigneur (Iran)

Sense Villa (Iran)

Sokna Tiny House (Singapore)

Toquilla House (Ecuador)

TWOKA (Iran)

Villa 720 (Qatar)

Villa Cube (Iran)

Villa Link (Iran)

Villa Sepid (Iran)

Willow Country House (Peru)

12. Best Implemented Project of Private Residence

A House Between Two Walnuts (Iran)

Apartment No. 20 (Iran)

BM House (Portugal)

Casa Paineiras (Brazil)

Copali House (Mexico)

Dialogue (Iran)

Kordan Family Villa (Iran)

L villa (Iran)

LG House (Mexico)

Neo-Classical Architecture: Classical and Contemporary Combined House (India)

Qarahziya House | Ranjdoost (Iran)

QUINCHO GABY (Argentina)

13. Best Implemented Apartment / Private House Interior Design Project

AD Residence (Brazil)

Apartment in Montferrand RE (Russia)

Apartments colored as a southern landscape (Russia)

Casa Kaab (Mexico)

Duplex with a sea view (Russia)

Good Apartment (Russia)

Graphite (Russia)

Life (Russia)

No.Zero Apartment (Iran)

14. Best Project of Building or Facility by Student

Archive (Iran)

Bridging the Waters: Re-defining the Architectural Paradigm of the Badjao Culture in the 21st Century (Philippines)

Center for migrants (Colombia)

Eco Working Rental Office (Indonesia)

EUNOIA: Recovery Camp (Iran)

Ibarbo Park Pavilion (Indonesia)

INDIACCELERON — Particle accelerator facility and research center (India)

Lego Complex (Iran)

Sustainable lifestyle center – renovated old power plant (China)

The Edge (Yemen)

The Heart of Chabahar (Iran)

Transpose: A Modern Filipino Pandemic-Resilient Residential House (Philippines)

15. Best Project of Public Space by Student

Apollo Multimedia Museum in Moscow (Russia)

Borneovation (Indonesia)

Children's specialized clinic (Iran)

Cultural center (Yemen)

Datura (Iran)

Down to Earth (Morocco)

HH HOME that improves Life and Work with Happiness (Iran)

Riberas Del Consotá Social Interest Housing Plan for the relocation of homes at risk (Colombia)

University as a third place to promote cooperative learning (Iran)

Zalavruga Restaurant (Russia)

16. Best Design Project for Library

Cultural Home & Library (Iran)

17. Best Art in Outdoor Public Space

Freefall Parkour (Russia)

Memorial to Valery Grushin’s deed (Russia)

18. Best Implemented Capital Construction Project in St. Petersburg

FUTURIST Residential Development (Russia)

Nasledie / «The Heritage» (Russia)