54 projects from 17 countries were shortlisted for the 6th International Awards, its motto being ‘Architecture as Art.’ There are emerging and long-standing architects, designers, renovators, stage designers, and sculptors, as well as students among the authors. As before, the winners will be unveiled in the Hermitage.

The Worldwide St. Petersburg Club has announced the shortlist of the 2023 Golden Trezzini finalists. This year, 1,229 entries from 72 countries were submitted by those seeking to win in the International Golden Trezzini Awards. 927 entries were approved by the Expert Board as compliant with the Awards Regulations. 94 projects from 17 countries have been shortlisted. Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, China, Colombia, Finland, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Latvia, Mexico, Russia, Spain, Taiwan, and Tanzania are on the countries list.

Tao Zhu Yin Yuan residential tower in Taiwan and Medicinal Herbs Garden Museum in Iran, Indian exhibition space named Tarang and Mexican Palace of Culture and Communication (PALCCO), Chalet Selva in Italy and BAOBAB Luxury Safari Resort in Tanzania are going to compete for the architectural Oscars, together with dozens of others.

All the shortlisted projects can be found at the official website of the Awards https://www.goldtrezzini.ru/en/finalists2023/

‘We warmly congratulate not only the authors who have made it to the shortlist but all the participants of the Awards!’ said Pavel Chernyakov, Chairman of the Golden Trezzini Organizing Committee and member of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club. ‘Our experts had to perform a difficult task of shortlisting the finalists. Watching the voting procedure from the sidelines, the organizers of the Awards were so sorry that not all of the ingenious nominees could have been encouraged. Choosing only the best of the best was a real challenge. I wish there were not three but four or even five finalists in every category. Architecture as Art is actually quite a subjective criterion without fixed limits that could help drawing a line between a vivid visionary concept from just a detailed project. This makes the task of picking up the best especially tricky.’

 The next thing to happen is the voting by the International Jury, comprising 200+ experts from 32 countries. The Jury members will choose only 1 winner from 3 shortlisted projects under 18 major categories.

The 6th Golden Trezzini Gala Ceremony is scheduled for November 15 in the Hermitage Theater (St. Petersburg). The winners will be awarded their certificates and gilded figurines of Domenico Trezzini, the designer of the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral. The winning projects will be sent to the collection owned by the Museum of St. Petersburg History. Every year, these works are exhibited in the Peter and Paul Fortress. The authors of the projects who win second and third places will be sent their certificates.

The Organizing Committee of the Awards reminded us that besides the major category winners who are on the shortlist, on November 15 all the partner category winners will be announced, as well as those awarded with the Gold certificates, Honourable and Special Mentions. Moreover, they will also announce the total winner of Premio del Pubblico (People's Choice Award) – you can vote for the project of your choice in any category till October 30 at the official website of the Awards.

Applications for the 7th International Golden Trezzini Awards will be accepted from February 2024.

The Golden Trezzini Awards was established with the help of the  Worldwide St. Petersburg Club in 2018 to honor the memory of Domenico Trezzini, the first architect of St. Petersburg, the city on the Neva. The main objective of the Awards is to add the most artistically valuable architecture, designer, scenography, renovation, and museology projects to museum collections. The Golden Trezzini winning projects become museum exhibits in order to keep and showcase their historical, cultural, scientific and artistic value in the best way possible. 

The Honorary Chairman of the International Council for the Golden Trezzini Awards is Mikhail Piotrovsky, President of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club and Director of the State Hermitage. 

For the images of all the shortlisted projects please see https://bit.ly/3M3b1yx. NB: The files numbering corresponds to the list https://www.goldtrezzini.ru/en/finalists2023/: the first two digits are the category number, the third digit is the project’s place in the finalists list in the category (the order is automatic and does not mean first, second and third place!).

Photos are provided by the Golden Trezzini Awards Organizing Committee.

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