On April 24, a conference was held in St. Petersburg, organized by the St. Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design, the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club, and the Organizing Committee of the Golden Trezzini Awards.

The event took place in the Exhibition Hall («Youth») of the Stieglitz Academy and was dedicated to the theme of redevelopment, entitled «Architectural Heritage: Preservation for Development». Speakers discussed current issues of building and territory rehabilitation in the context of St. Petersburg, Russian, and international experience.

The conference featured an unusual concept: the first part was devoted almost entirely to student redevelopment projects from the Stieglitz Academy. The second part showcased real large-scale projects that have already been implemented. The organizers of the conference emphasized the importance of dialogue between generations: students had the opportunity to listen to experienced architects, and professionals had the chance to become acquainted with the works of young specialists who may bring new ideas to architectural practice in the future.

An exhibition of reconstruction projects by students of the St. Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design was organized directly in the conference hall. Additionally, a tour of the Academy building was organized for the conference speakers and attendees. The program concluded with an informal gathering in the Henry II Hall, where participants could discuss the outcomes of the day and identify topical issues for future meetings.

According to Pavel Chernyakov, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Golden Trezzini Awards, the event is planned to become an annual occurrence.

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