The art of porcelain, high gastronomy and the most advanced technologies came together for one evening at the new Homeier Nord home appliances show room. On August 17, 2023, under the support of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club and the Organizing Committee of the Golden Trezzini Awards, a special event by a German brand BORA and Art-Via company was held here: “House with Augmented Reality. Trends and Innovations in Porcelain and Household Appliances”.

The guests of the evening, members of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club, partners and friends of the Golden Trezzini Awards and BORA brand, were greeted by Darina Kondratyeva, Head of BORA Representative Office in St. Petersburg; Liliana Faterina, founder of Art-Via brand; Pavel Chernyakov, Chairman of the Golden Trezzini Organizing Committee; and Natalia Sidorkevich, Chairlady of the Board of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club.

A lecture by Irina Bagdasarova, Curator of the collection of porcelain of the State Hermitage, gave start to the event. Irina spoke about the porcelain in the interiors and table decoration of the House of the Romanovs and showed plenty of photographs of porcelain items from the Hermitage collection, many of them being not available to museum visitors, but kept in closed storage.

After that, the attention of the listeners switched to the porcelain of the XXI century. Liliana Faterina demonstrated several wonderful porcelain items made under the Art-Via brand and emphasized the use of modern technologies in porcelain. In particular, augmented reality technology allows one to revive the image on a plate or vase, which makes such a thing a particularly relevant gift.

And the final part of the “triptych” was gastronomic. The BORA hob turned on and chef Igor Shugaev stood up to it. Together with his team, Igor elaborated and brought to life in the presence of the guests a brief August menu: beef medallions with pearl couscous in wild mushroom sauce and sweet potato puree and a refreshing dessert with pistachio sablé Breton and apple juice and yuzu granita. All the dishes were immediately tasted and highly appreciated by the guests.

The Golden Trezzini Organizing Committee and the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club thank Liliana Faterina and Art-Via, Darina Kondratyeva and the entire team of Homeier Nord show room for organizing the evening! Let us remind that BORA brand is the partner of the category “Best Implemented Apartment / Private House Interior Design Project” at the 2023 Golden Trezzini Awards.

Photo: Anton Gumen

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