The Worldwide St. Petersburg Club, the organizing committee of the Golden Trezzini Awards, and the Bulthaup Design Gallery have announced a discussion on current issues in object design. The event will take place on May 22 at the Bulthaup Design Gallery in St. Petersburg.

The topic of the discussion is «Art and technology in object design: facets of interaction». The discussion will focus on how designers and manufacturers combine aesthetics with practicality, creating examples of object design that reflect interior trends, modern technology, and economic requirements.

The great architects and designers of the past created not only the designs and interiors of buildings but also the furniture, textiles, tableware, and decorative objects that harmoniously complemented these spaces. The evolution of object design continues today. New names and brands are appearing on the Russian market, and among them, there are bearers of advanced ideas. However, so far, only a few authors of object design find a common language with manufacturers. It is much easier for factories to copy products that have already proven themselves.

What can be called the immortal classics of object design today, and how do they fit into the creative quest of modern masters? What strategies for developing the object design market are relevant here and now? How can a talented designer find a common language with the manufacturer? Who are the consumers of novelties in object design today? What forecasts can be made about the future of object design in Russia? These and many other questions will be answered by the participants of our discussion.

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