On November 15, 2023, MASK Architects became the winner of the 2023 Golden Trezzini Awards in the category of Best Project of Public Building or Facility. We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to MASK Architects!

Öznur Pınar Çer and Danilo Petta, MASK Architects founders:

Hello everyone,

We are deeply honored to receive the Golden Trezzini Award for our project, the Baobab Luxury Safari Resort in Africa. This recognition is a testament to the power of innovation and sustainability in the world of tourism.

At Baobab, we set out to redefine luxury in a way that goes beyond opulence. Our resort is not just a destination; it's a commitment to environmental stewardship. Today, we proudly present the world's first eco-tourism-based resort, where luxury meets responsibility.

One of our proudest features is the revolutionary air-to-water technology that allows us to produce water from the very air we breathe. We believe that access to water should not be a luxury; it should be a fundamental right for all. Baobab stands as a symbol of hope, proving that even in the most luxurious settings, sustainability can thrive.

This award is not just for us; it's for everyone who dreams of a future where innovation and responsibility coexist. We thank the Golden Trezzini Awards for recognizing our efforts, and we invite you to join us in reimagining the possibilities of eco-tourism.

Together, let's make every drop of water count, and every journey leave a positive footprint on our planet.

BAOBAB Luxury Safari Resort (Tanzania).

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