Chiatta Trapezio — Barge City in Milan

Best Project of Public Building or Facility

About the project
Once integral to Milan's development, the canal was buried for decades.The proposal features trapezoidal barges hosting green spaces, play areas and art installations. Individual barges serve distinct purposes yet connect in various configurations to support special events. Beyond resurrecting the canal,the barges aim to spark creativity reflective of Milan's renown for design,cuisine and culture — in sustainable fashion. The barges may navigate the canal,float,settle or anchor on banks. Our vision restores and repurposes this asset, making the regenerative Navigli a symbol of modern Milan. By activating what lay dormant, we'll inspire inhabitants with new experiences, interactions and synergies. The project is shortlisted for the Milan Navigli Canal Challenge.

Milan Navigli Canal, Italy

Project design year

Project website

1OCUBE. Based in New York and Hong Kong, our trans-disciplinary works span the fields of digital media, product, art installation, interior, architectural, landscape, and urban design. Our playful design approach allows us to explore various interactive mechanisms between both analog and digital worlds. We are interested in transforming ordinary objects, scenes, and settings into something fun and intriguing. Our motto is 'nothing is static, everything is responsive.'

Author of the project

Milan Navigli Association

Status of the project
Conceptual design