L villa

Best Implemented Project of Private Residence

About the project (provided by the applicant)
Considering the importance of the concept of «home», it has been tried to reach a more accurate understanding of it.
According to the needs of the client and the potential of the site (surrounding scenery), a semi-introverted space was required.
The question was: How a semi-introverted building with spatial diversity and aristocracy can be reached?
The use of the «L» shape encloses two faces of the pool, especially the south, which is the closest neighbouring block and divides the building into three parts (one joint and two arms). The joint part provides a suitable place for the vertical connection, entrance and a semi-open space with direct access to the swimming pool, which no longer requires residents to go to the yard to reach the pool.The building with wide glass for facades is spatially and visually integrated with the green space, in a way that nature was trying to take over the building. Eventually, the use of surroundings, privacy, and dynamic circulation were achieved.

Rodehen, Mehabad, Iran

Project design year

Extra visual materials

Ali Rivandy

Author of the project
Ali Rivandy

Status of the project

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