Lakhta Khutor medical centre

Best Implemented Project of Public Building or Facility

About the project (provided by the applicant)
The medical center covers a total area of 5,000 square meters and consists of two three-story buildings that fully comply with all specific requirements. The facades were inspired by the style of modern Dutch houses to reduce the visual impact of the buildings' length and create a cozy town atmosphere, harmonizing with the historical context of the resort district of St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg, Russia

Project implementation year

Yulia Chistyakova, architect and designer

Author of the project
Yulia Chistyakova, Alexey Yershov, Tatiana Yershova

Status of the project

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.