
Best Project of Residential or Mixed-Use Estate

About the project (provided by the applicant)
Noyar means «new friend» in a beautiful and creative language, which is a residential apartment project in a corner of Sanandaj city. The idea of Noyar's design comes from young ivy shoots, in which beauty flows as it grows. The leaves of ivy have a spiral arrangement, in legends, this plant is a symbol of spiritual evolution and transformation, and another symbol of ivy flower is rebirth.
In Noyar architecture, paying attention to the concepts, an innovative effort has been made in the form to create defined functional spaces with the creation of beauty in the facade. For example, floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking terraces with distinct views.

Sanandaj, Iran

Project design year

Bira Wafaei Baneh, architect and Phd student of construction engineering and researcher in new building technologies, lecturer in architecture courses, founder of «Sepehr Novin» company active in Architecture Innovation Center of SBU University of Tehran.

AuthorS of the project
Bira Wafaei Baneh, Koosha Wafaei Baneh, Masoud Rahmati Deyranloyi

Status of the project
Working drawings

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.