St. Savior Tower of the Kazan Kremlin — restoration and preservation

Best Implemented Restoration Project

About the project
The outside works included clearance of the old entrance to the East gallery of the tower, installation of the gate, reconstruction of the portcullis with their original sockets, and installation of navigation signs at the discovered architectural elements. In the interiors, they found some passageways with staircases, original 250-years old beams, and a wall built in the 16th century. The museum was opened within with the main exhibits being revealed masonry elements and structural pieces.

The Mellow Chime installation was restored at the top levels of the tower. This innovate color music set was designed in the 1960s.

The Kremlin, Kazan, Russia

Project implementation year

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)
Video about the museum and the Mellow Chime

Extra photos:

Kremlin of Kazan state museum reserve

Authors of the project
Kremlin of Kazan, Tatinvestgrazhdanproekt, TsMP, IQ architectural bureau

Project status