Subway Station Platform

Best Project of Public Space by a Student

About the project
Most subway platforms in Iran have dead spaces with boring corridors because of their underground location. These spaces encourage travelers to get off to the ground faster.
Due to the limited space of the subway platforms, we had to look for a solution on the roof. Due to the high importance of the historic district of Shanb-e-Ghazan in the design, we were inspired by one of the most important tiles left over from that time, and by expanding the geometry of the tile layout we created dome-like structures at the entrances to the subway platforms, such as (Horno) in traditional bazar architecture. From inside, we shone a light underneath the dome that is reminiscent of the Shanb-e-Ghazan 's historical era, and in this way created the pauses and discourses that were reminiscent of its past architecture and encouraged people to think about their past.

Shanb-E-Ghazan, Tabriz City, Iran

Project created in

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Additional information
This project is the winner of the World Architectural Award 35th cycle in interior design award category.
The design is selected by the votes of honorary members and winners in earlier editions, and winners are picked through the ratings of the community members.

Applicant and author of the project
Sajjad Navidi