Sukan Baghdad Eco Smart City

Best Project of Residential or Mixed-Use Estate

About the project
The project is located in the city of Baghdad — Al-Rasheed Camp on an area of 20 hectares. The main objective of the project is to contribute to solving the housing crisis by providing an integrated, green, smart futuristic city that combines technology and sustainability to create a near-ideal system based on technology for living and working. The main goal of this project is to create a new pattern of living relying on the nature-based resources and modern technology. One of the ideas is making the buildings cooler using less energy. Positive experience of previous generations was used, such as narrow alleys, inner courtyards and nodes. 

Iraq, Baghdad, Al-Rasheed Camp

Project design year

Extra visual materials

Applicant and author of the project
Sophie Ziyad Jamal, architect, Bachelor’s degree in Architecture in the University of Baghdad. Professional designer, participated in several international architecture competitions and ranked from the top entries. Top 10 for Zenith Group international company, top 20 for Lyx iconic tower contest.

Status of the project
Conceptual design