Willow Country House

Best Project of Private Residence

About the project (provided by the applicant)
How can you intervene in such a powerful place and what kind of relationship can architecture establish with nature in this situation? When arriving by car on the Ayacucho — Quinua highway where there is a detour to the Totorilla valley area, the Casa Sauces is located next to the river with the same name. The architecture takes a while to show itself in the midst of the dense vegetation. This aspect is difficult to capture in photographs. At the same time that architecture seeks to distance itself from nature as an artificial gesture, it becomes part of the landscape. The Sauces House builds a second nature that is made of concrete and glass, on the other hand, the vegetation of the local valley easily surrounds the house, imitating the construction. 

Ayacucho — Huamanga, Peru

Project design year

Extra visual materials

Angel Enciso Palomino

Author of the project
Angel Enciso Palomino & Paolo Rossi Contreras Zea

Status of the project
Conceptual design

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