Dr. Alfred Nordmann has supported the Golden Trezzini International Awards for Architecture and Design by accepting the invitation to be a member of the jury panel, said Pavel Chernyakov, Chairman of the Organizing Committee.

Dr. Nordmann, a distinguished European scholar, holds the position of Professor of Philosophy at the Technical University of Darmstadt, along with being an Adjunct Professor at the University of South Carolina, USA, a Guest Professor at the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, and the President-elect of the Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT).

«We are pleased to have Dr. Alfred Nordmann on the Golden Trezzini panel of experts,» says Pavel Chernyakov. «The philosophy of architecture allows us to view nominated projects beyond their everyday functions as residential, public, or commercial structures. It enables us to appreciate their aesthetic value and the creative ideas behind their creation — treating architecture as an art form, which is the core motto of our award.»

«The Golden Trezzini Award seems very interesting and valuable in itself,» says Dr. Nordmann, «I am also interested in how it intersects with my own projects, which focus on the interface of technology and art, where architecture is located. Music and architecture, technology and art have in common that elements are composed to work together on different scales creating worlds, that we inhabit and experience aesthetically. I seek to appreciate the many different principles of composition and grammars of things that challenge us to find orientation in our built environment.»

Born in 1956, Dr. Nordmann studied philosophy, modern German literature, and the history of science at the universities of Tübingen and Hamburg. After earning his master's and doctorate degrees in Hamburg (1981 and 1986) and an extensive stay at the University of South Carolina (USA), he has been teaching philosophy of science, technology, and technoscience at the Technical University of Darmstadt since 2002.

Dr. Nordmann's epistemological interests revolve around the trajectory from Immanuel Kant via Heinrich Hertz to Ludwig Wittgenstein and 20th-century philosophy of science. He also focuses on contemporary practices of modeling mechanisms, simulation, visualization, and understanding the world through making and building.

Alfred Nordmann is the author of several books and publications, including “Wittgenstein's Tractatus: An Introduction” (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), “Technikphilosophie zur Einführung” (Hamburg: Junius, 2008), and “Science Transformed? Debating Claims of an Epochal Break” (Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press, 2011). Additionally, he serves as the editor of the book series “History and Philosophy of Technoscience” (Routledge) and the “Technology and Language” journal (together with Daria Bylieva).»

The Golden Trezzini Awards recognize outstanding contributions to architecture as art. This is the only global competition for architects, restorers, interior designers, set designers, exhibition specialists and sculptors, whose winning works become part of the State Museum's permanent collection.

Every year, before the submissions are closed, the Awards Committee organizes an exhibition «Architecture as Art» in the St. Peter and Paul Fortress, where the winning projects of the previous year are on display. After the exhibition the works are handed over to the State Museum of History of St. Petersburg.

The Golden Trezzini Awards have been held since 2018. In 2023, the Awards Committee received an impressive 1,229 entries from 72 countries. Over 200 experts from 32 countries were invited to select the winners. In total, 22 projects from 10 countries became the best (but for the winners in special nominations and laureates of the Award certificates) — from Belgium, Brazil, India, Italy, China, Russia, USA, Taiwan, Tanzania and Finland.

The Award Ceremony is an annual highlight, held at the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Winners in the main categories receive gilded figurines representing the first architect of St. Petersburg, Domenico Trezzini (1670—1734), along with commemorative certificates. For overseas winners, the prizes are delivered by mail.

Submissions for the 7th Golden Trezzini Awards will open in February 2024.
The application is and always will be free of charge.

On the photo: Alfred Nordmann. Source: Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

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