Today, April 24, the Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design, in collaboration with the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club and the Organizing Committee of the Golden Trezzini Awards, will host a pivotal conference on redevelopment.

The conference, entitled «Architectural Heritage: Preservation for Development,» will feature a panel of experts addressing the complex challenges of redeveloping buildings and territories in St. Petersburg, as well as globally.

Restoration, the act of preserving and reinstating the historical facade of a structure, contrasts with redevelopment. The latter not only encompasses restoration and reconstruction efforts but also involves adapting the function of a structure to align with the evolving demands of the urban landscape. A series of exemplary redevelopment initiatives have successfully transformed historical edifices and areas, turning, for instance, former industrial sites into contemporary, versatile complexes. The conference will serve as a forum for discussing the pressing concerns that confront developers, stakeholders, and critics of redevelopment projects.

Featured Image: The illustrious hall of the Academy, set to be the venue for the conference.

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