In 2005 she graduated from the ICART Paris School of Management with a degree in Cultural Marketing. In 2007 Oxana Bondarenko initiated the creation of a cultural fund in support of Russian art, the Victoria Art Foundation. Since 2009 she has been organizing cultural projects in Moscow, New York and Paris. She was the creative director of the art agency The July 16. Bondarenko moved to permanent residence in Moscow in 2013. She was director of the State Tretyakov Gallery Support Fund from 2014 to 2018. Also Oxana Bondarenko was the curator of the exhibition space «Leningrad Center». She organized and led a joint project between the Tretyakov Gallery and the Moscow Metro in 2017. From 2018 to 2019, she headed the “Hello, Moscow!” platform, which received the UITP Awards 2019.