Applications for 2023 International Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design will be closed on September 15. On August 30, “Architecture as Art” exhibition showcasing the winners of the 2022 Awards, will open at the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg.

Tao Zhu Yin Yuan (Taiwan), Vincent Callebaut Architectures, “Best Implemented Project of Residential or Mixed-Use Estate” category.

Nominations for the Golden Trezzini Awards, named after the first architect of St. Petersburg Domenico Trezzini, are open in 18 major categories. To submit a project, one only need to fill in the online form using the “Apply” section of the Golden Trezzini official website. Participation is free of charge.

Konya Aleaddin Hill Archeological Site Arrangement (Turkey), KAAT ARCHITECTURE + URBAN, “Best Project of Public Building or Facility” category.

“By now, more than 300 projects from 49 countries have been submitted,” says Pavel Chernyakov, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Awards, “On August 30, in the conference hall of the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg at the Peter and Paul Fortress, we will hold the opening ceremony of “Architecture as Art” exhibition. It will showcase the works of last year’s laureates. There are projects from Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, Spain, China, Cuba, Mexico, Russia and Thailand among them.” The exhibition will be open for visitors from August 31 to September 12.

BAOBAB Luxury Safari Resort (Tanzania), MASK architects, “Best Project of Public Building or Facility” category.

The Golden Trezzini Awards are the only international competition where the winning projects by architects and renovators, designers and interior decorators, theatre artists, as well as students of architecture schools and departments are taken into a state museum’s collection. The best projects by competitors are added to the collection of the Architectural Graphics Fund of the Museum of St. Petersburg History and take part in the annual exhibition “Architecture as Art”.

Heart Spiritual Retreat (Cuba), Jorge Luis Veliz Quintana, “Best Project of Public Building or Facility” category.

The Awards are held under the auspices of the Worldwide St. Petersburg Club. The Honourary Chairman of the International Council of the Golden Trezzini Awards is Mikhail Piotrovsky, Director of the State Hermitage. Among the Council’s members, there are Lord Norman Foster and Lady Elena Ochoa Foster, artist Emilia Kabakov, architects Santiago Calatrava, Daniel Libeskind, Mario Botta, Massimiliano Fuksas and more than 200 other experts from 32 countries.

Book Store at Nevsky Prospect: Interiors (Russia), Vega Studio of Architecture and Restoration, Architecture Bureau of Kira Grishina and Konstantin Nikolayev, “Best Implemented Interior Design Project for Public Space” category.

This year, the projects approved for participation will be evaluated by Golden Trezzini Qualification Committee. After that stage, the international Jury is going to score the shortlist of leading 54 entries, three in each category, and select 2023 Golden Trezzini winners. The results will be announced on November 15, during the Gala ceremony at the State Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

Images: 2023 Golden Trezzini nominated projects.

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